Statement by Hon’ble Mr. Giriraj Mani Pokharel, Minister of Health and Foreign Affairs at the Program of International Day of Peace and unveiling of the Nepali UN Peacekeepers’ Memorial Plaque in the UN House on 20th September 2017 at the UN House, Lalitpur

Statement by Hon’ble Mr. Giriraj Mani Pokharel, Minister of Health and Foreign Affairs at the Program of International Day of Peace and unveiling of the Nepali UN Peacekeepers’ Memorial Plaque in the UN House on 20th September 2017 at the UN House, Lalitpur   United Nations Resident Coordinator Madam Valerie Julliand, Excellencies, Distinguished representatives and Officials of the UN System [ Read More … ]

Press Release issued by Permanent Mission of Nepal, Geneva regarding International Cooperation Agreement between Nepal and CERN

Press Release   The Government of Nepal and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) signed an International Cooperation Agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation in high-energy physics and related areas in Geneva today. The agreement was signed by H.E. Mr. Deepak Dhital, Ambassador of Nepal to Switzerland / Permanent Representative of Nepal to the UN and other International Organizations [ Read More … ]

Press Release on the National Day Message – Australia

Press Release   The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Rtd) sent a Congratulatory message to the Right Hon’ble President Bidya Devi Bhandari on the occasion of the National Day of Nepal. The Governor-General, on behalf of the Government and people of Australia as well as on his own, extended [ Read More … ]

Press Release on the National Day Message – Japan

Press Release   His Majesty Akihito, the Emperor of Japan sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of the National Day of Nepal to the Rt. Hon’ble Mrs. Bidya Devi Bhandari, President of Nepal. In his message, the Emperor, extended heartfelt congratulations and good wishes for the happiness and prosperity of the Nepali people.   Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government [ Read More … ]