Press Release issued by Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United Nations, New York covering the participation of the Hon. Minister for Youth and Sports in the 2017 Youth Forum of the ECOSOC

Press Release   Hon. Mr. Daljit BK Shreepali, Minister for Youth and Sports, participated in the ministerial roundtable of the 2017 Youth Forum of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) entitled “the role of youth in poverty eradication Read More …

Press Release issued by Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United Nations covering the conclusion of the Contingent-Owned Equipment Working Group for 2017

 Press Release Conclusion of the 2017 Contingent-Owned Equipment Working Group Meetings at the UN The United Nations Working Group on the working methods of the Contingent-Owned Equipment (COE-WG) for 2017 concluded today by adopting its report, which was finalized through Read More …

मिति २०७३।०८।२९, रियाद साउदी अरबमा बिभिन्न कारणले देहाबसान र घाइते भएका नेपाली नागरिकहरुले सम्बन्धित रोजगारदाता कम्पनी र ब्यक्तिबाट लिन बाँकि रहेको तलव, उपदान, संचित विदाको रकम एवं अन्य रकमहरु ।

भौचर नं. ८३ जिल्ला पठाएको मिति २०७३।०८।२९ क्रसं मृतकको नाम मृतकको ठेगाना जिल्ला राहदानी नं. साउदी रियाल नेपाली रकम  बैंक 1 Aghanu  Ray Dhanusa Dhanusa 8671507 10000 286646.00 RBB 2 Satya Narasyan Das Tamta Dhabauli-08 Dhanusa 8138961 10573 303071.00 3 Amar Read More …