All Nepali artists are invited to participate in the BIMSTEC (The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) Logo Competition. All interested Artists are requested to submit their Logo design of the BIMSTEC as per the following requirements:
Relevant Information
- The submission of logo shall be made together with the application form .
- The design should be the original work of the participant(s) and must not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.
- An entry could be an individual or a team project.
- Every entry should be accompanied by a brief written explanation of the Design and how it best symbolizes the concept of the BIMSTEC in 150-300 words.
- The bio-data of the applicant/applicants along with contact details as per the application form should also be attached.
- Each Participant can submit no more than two entries.
Guidelines for preparation
All fonts should be converted to outlines
- If the file contains spot colors of RGB colors, they would be converted to CMYK
- Acceptable file type: jpg or PDF
- Logo artwork should be at least 2 inches long along the smallest side
- File should be of high resolution- at least 300 pixels per inch at 100 % size
- File should look clean (not pixilated or bit-mapped) when viewed on screen 100 %
Please note that if the participant is unable to provide a file type that has been listed under the preferred/acceptable file types aforementioned, please be aware that the final printed result might be less than desirable and may lead to disqualification of the entry.
Other Conditions
- Entries sent once shall not be returned.
- The final selected logo shall become the intellectual property of the BIMSTEC Secretariat and the designer shall not have any right including copyright over the same.
- BIMSTEC countries and the BIMSTEC Secretariat shall have the right to use, print or reproduce the prize winning logo in any form it may deem fit.
Selection Process
- All entries received within the stipulated date and found in order, shall be evaluated by a jury consisting the representatives of BIMSTEC member countries.
- The Designer(s) of the finally selected design will get a prize money of USD 1000 (US Dollars One Thousand only).
The entries should be sent to: along with a copy to:
Deadline of the submission: 27 July 2018
For further information contact:
Tel: 01-4200182/183/184/185 (Ext. 214/206)