His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales called on the Right Honourable Prime Minister K. P. Sharma Oli at the latter’s official residence in Baluwatar today.

Press Release His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales called on the Right Honourable Prime Minister K. P. Sharma Oli at the latter’s official residence in Baluwatar today. During the call on, the Prime Minister appreciated the continued interest and association of the British people, government and institution of monarchy with Nepal. He expressed that the Prince’s keen interests in [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Hon. DPM and FM leaving Kathmandu today to attend the 14th Ministerial Meeting of the ACD in Bangkok on 9-10 March 2016.

Press Release At the invitation of His Excellency Mr. Don Pramudwinai Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand as the current Chair of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), Honourable Mr. Kamal Thapa, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs is leaving Kathmandu today to attend the 14th Ministerial Meeting of the ACD as the Guest of the Chair, which [ Read More … ]

Press Release issued by Embassy of Nepal,New Delhi on the State Visit of Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal to the Republic of India (23 February 2016)

Rt. Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr. K P Sharma Olivisited Bhujin the Kutch district of Gujarat, India today to observe and study the post-earthquake reconstruction and rehabilitationprogrammes. Bhuj was one of the townshugely affected by the massive 2001 earthquakes in Gujarat and is now one of the best examplesof post-earthquake rebuilding success. During the visit, the Prime Minister was accompanied by [ Read More … ]

Press Release issued by Embassy of Nepal, New Delhi on the State Visit of The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Mr. K. P. Sharma Oli to the Republic of India

The Rt. Hon’ble Mr. K.P. Sharma Oli, Prime Minister of Nepal, and the Hon’ble Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, held a bilateral delegation level talk in New Delhi today. During the meeting, the two Prime Ministers held discussion on wide ranging areas of Nepal-India bilateral relations. This was preceded by one to one meeting between the two Prime [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the Establisnment of Diplomatic Relations between Nepal and Japan

The Government of Nepalhasformed a High-level Committee to commemorate the 60th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Nepal and Japan under the Convenorship of Hon. Mr. Kamal Thapa, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Committee is mandated to select, implement and coordinatevarious commemorative programs and events of diamond jubilee celebration throughout the year [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Message of Condolence from Rt. Hon. Prime Minister

1. Rt. Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr. K. P. Sharma Oli sent a message of condolence to H. E. Mr. Sherif Ismail, Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt, on the demise of H.E. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations. The message reads as follows: “It was with deep sorrow that I have learned about the demise [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Government of Nepal’s concerns over the media coverage attributed to political leaders of Bihar State of India making statements about Nepal

Serious attention of the Government of Nepal has been drawn to media coverage in today’s broadsheets attributed to senior political leaders of Bihar State of India making statements about inherently internal issues of Nepal.The statements are provocative and uninformed about the ground realitiesand do not serve the fundamental interest of the two countries. The Government of Nepal expresses deep regrets [ Read More … ]