Press Release on Nepal’s Participation to the Third International Conference on FfD

The Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD-3) held in Addis Ababa, July 13-16, adopted the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, expressing a strong political commitment to creating an enabling environment for financing an ambitious set of sustainable development goals in the spirit of global partnership and solidarity. The Agenda is a culmination of months of negotiations among member states [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Iran Nuclear Deal

The Government of Nepal (GoN) welcomes the agreement concerning ‘Iran’s Nuclear Programme’ reached between Iran and P5+Germany yesterday. The GoN congratulates the parties on reaching the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actionafter the hectic negotiations that lasted for months. Nepal believes that the Plan of Action paves the way for peaceful resolution of this issue.  As a staunch advocate of general [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Nepal’s Entry into SCO as a Dialogue Partner

The Government of Nepal welcomes the decision of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Ufa Summit of 2015 on granting Nepal the status of SCO dialogue partner. Nepal believes that SCO dialogue partner would provide Nepal opportunities to have more interactions and cooperation with SCO member states especially in the areas of trade, energy, economy, culture, tourism, environment and security and [ Read More … ]

Press Release on the normalisation of US-Cuba relations

The Government of Nepal welcomes the improving relations between the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba.  The announcement by both the Governments of reopening the embassies in each other’s capital is a major step forward in this direction. As a friendly country and also as a staunch supporter of global peace and harmony Nepal believes that the [ Read More … ]

Press Release issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Singha Durbar on the news story.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) is concerned about the news story entitled “2 Ministries in Turf War over Meet Preps” published in The Kathmandu Post today.  The attention of the Ministry is drawn particularly towards the statement about MoFA being “miffed at the Finance Ministry” concerning the preparations on the ‘International Conference on Nepal’s Reconstruction’ to be held on [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Financial Contributions to the Prime Minister’s Disaster Relief Fund from Nepalese Missions Abroad.

Financial Contributions to the Prime Minister’s Disaster Relief Fund from Abroad Nepalese Embassies/Consulates General (Transferred or collected) S. N. Name Amount in Foreign Currencies Equivalent Amount in Rupees (Approximate) 1. Seoul USD 1,229,535.14 Rs. 12,54,12,584.28 2. Beijing CNY 5,358,207.59 (USD 861,799.04) Rs. 8,79,03,502.08 3. Tokyo JPY 38,93,39,089.00 Rs. 31,63,10,733.50 4. Tel Aviv USD 5,214 & ILS 71,125.31 Rs. 23,65,907.79 5. [ Read More … ]

Press Release on the Courtesy call on the Hon’ble Foreign Minister by Her Excellency Ms. Lilianne Ploumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Her Excellency Ms. Lilianne Ploumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands met Hon’ble Mr. Mahendra Bahadur Pandey, Minister for Foreign Affairs at the latter’s office today. During the meeting, matters of bilateral and mutual interests between Nepal and the Kingdom of the Netherlands were discussed. The discussions were mainly focused on the post-earthquake [ Read More … ]

Press Release on condolence messages sent on sinking of a cruise in the Yangtze River in China.

Rt. Hon’ble President Dr. Ram BaranYadav sent his condolence message to the President of the People’s Republic of China His Excellency Mr. Xi Jinping today for the loss of lives of several people and many other missing by capsizing a cruise ship in the Yangtze river in Hubei Province of China. In his message, President Yadav expressed his heartfelt condolences [ Read More … ]

Post-Earthquake Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Measures Government of Nepal

The devastating earthquake of 7.8 in Richter scale that struck the country with its epicenter at Mandre, Barpak VDC-02, Gorkha at 11:56 am on 2072 Baisakh 12 (corresponding to 25 April 2015) and its frequent aftershocks chiefly the two fatal ones dated 26 April and 12 May 2015 have caused an inconceivable loss of lives and properties. Thousands of people [ Read More … ]