Press Release issued by Embassy of Nepal, New Delhi: Ambassador Upadhyay Speaks at University of Delhi’s Ambassadorial Lecture Series

Press Release Ambassador Upadhyay Speaks at University of Delhi’s Ambassadorial Lecture Series His Excellency Mr. Deep Kumar Upadhyay addressed a gathering of faculties, students and intellectuals at the University of Delhi today afternoon. The Ambassador was invited to speak at Read More …

सम्माननीय प्रधानमन्त्रीज्यूको मित्रराष्ट्र जनवादी गणतन्त्र चीन भ्रमण सम्बन्धी प्रेस नोट

प्रेस  नोट (१६ चैत्र २०७३, त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल, काठमाण्डौ)   उपस्थित  सञ्चारकर्मी  मित्रहरू, मित्रराष्ट्र जनवादी गणतन्त्र चीनको निमन्त्रणामा बोआओमा यही २०७३ चैत्र १० दखि १४ गतेसम्म आयोजित ‘बोआओ फोरम फर एसिया’ को बार्षिक सम्मेलनको उद्‍घाटनसत्रलाई सम्वोधन गर्न तथा उच्चस्तरीय भेटघाटका Read More …

Statement by Rt. Hon. Prime Minister On “Nepal China Relations: Prospects on Growth and Prosperity” At Beijing Foreign Studies University 26 March 2017

Statement by Rt. Hon. Prime Minister On “Nepal China Relations: Prospects on Growth and Prosperity” At Beijing Foreign Studies University 26 March 2017   President of the University Mr. Peng Long Professors Scholars and Academicians Dear Students Ladies and Gentlemen   I Read More …

Statement by The Rt. Honourable Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, Prime Minister of Nepal at the Annual Boao Forum 2017 on the theme “Globalization and Free Trade: The Asian Perspectives” Boao, 25 March 2017

Statement by The Rt. Honourable Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, Prime Minister of Nepal at the Annual Boao Forum 2017 on the theme  “Globalization and Free Trade: The Asian Perspectives”  Boao, 25 March 2017   Your Excellency Mr. Zhang Gaoli, Vice Read More …