Remarks by Foreign Secretary, Mr. Shanker Das Bairagi, at the High-Level Plenary Meeting to Commemorate and Promote the International Day

Remarks by Foreign Secretary, Mr. Shanker Das Bairagi, at the High-Level Plenary Meeting to Commemorate and Promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons[1]

New York, Wednesday 26 September 2018 (9 AM – 1 PM)
As delivered.

Mr./Madam Chair,

It is an honor to join this important meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.

Nepal welcomes this opportunity to reaffirm our solidarity and support to the efforts for making the world free of nuclear weapons.

I align this statement with the NAM statement.

The catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences of the nuclear weapons should not ever be allowed to occur.

Nepal stands for time-bound, general and complete disarmament, and unconditional elimination of all weapons of mass destruction, including the nuclear weapons. We believe that total elimination of the existing nuclear weapons and the assurance that they will never be produced again are the only absolute guarantee against their catastrophic consequences. This can only ensure universal peace and security.

We believe that resources wasted for building and maintaining nuclear arsenal should be diverted to peace and development. Nuclear science and technology should be used only for the peaceful purposes, such as for the advancement of health services, clean water, agriculture, nutrition, food security, climate action and access to energy for all.

Nepal is a State party to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. We are a signatory to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Last year we supported the adoption of the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty and later we signed it. Ratification of both CTBT and NWPT are being taken up with due priority.  We support UN Security Council resolution 1540 and remain fully committed to its implementation.

It is fitting to highlight the 1996 Advisory Opinion of International Court of Justice (ICJ), which states that the threat or use of nuclear weapons constitutes a crime against humanity and a violation of international law.

Mr. President,

Nepal does not believe that nuclear weapons are useful deterrents. Instead, they are a cause of security dilemma and should not find any place in any national security doctrines.

Modernization of the nuclear arsenals, ongoing research on new nuclear warheads and the development of new delivery vehicles needs to be halted.

Nepal also believes that women, youth, civil society, academia and the private sector have critical roles in raising awareness of the wider population against nuclear weapons.

We also urge for the timely convening of the UN High-level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament as per the General Assembly resolution.

In closing, Mr. President, let me reiterate Nepal’s unwavering commitment to playing its part in supporting efforts for the total elimination of nuclear weapons.

Thank you.

[1] The 26th of September 2018 marks the fifth consecutive year the UN will commemorate the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. Established in 2013 through the adoption of UN General Assembly resolution 68/32, the day calls for the world community to reaffirm its commitment to global nuclear disarmament as well as to educate the public about the threat posed to humanity by nuclear weapons and the necessity for their total elimination.