Press Release on Courtesy Call

Deputy Minister of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa Her Excellency Ms. Nomaindiya Mfeketo paid a courtesy call on Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Mahendra Bahadur Pandey at the latter’s office today. She was accompanied by the non-resident Ambassador of South Africa to Nepal as well as other senior officials of the [ Read More … ]

Press Release on the Credentials

Honourable Mahendra Bahadur Pandey, Minister for Foreign Affairs, received at his office this morning the Credentials from Dr. Jos Vandelaer, newly appointed Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Nepal. On the occasion, while commending the WHO Country Office’s role in Nepal’s health sector, Hon. Minister recalled the WHO’s close cooperation with the Government of Nepal including in the [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Diamond Jubilee

Rt. Hon. President of Nepal Dr. Ram Baran Yadav and His Excellency Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, have exchanged congratulatory messages on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Nepal and the People’s Republic of China. The President of Nepal, in the congratulatory message sent to his counterpart today [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Hon. Minister for Urban Development Dr. Narayan Khadka programme in the Kingdom of Bhutan

Dr. Narayan Khadka, Minister for Urban Development of Nepal paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister of The Kingdom of Bhutan today(July 29) at the latter’ office in Thimphu. Both leaders exchanged views on further enhancement of bilateral relations between two friendly countries. On the occasion, Hon. Dr. Khadka conveyed message of gratitude to H. [ Read More … ]

Press Release on the Participation of the Ambassador of Nepal in the Funeral of Former Indian President

His Excellency Mr. Deep Kumar Upadhayay, Ambassador of Nepal to India, is travelling to Rameshwaram to take part in the funeral of the former President of the Republic of India A P J Abdul Kalam representing Nepal, which is taking place on July 30, 2015. Former Indian President passed away on 27 July in Meghalaya. The Rt. Honourable President Dr. [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs’ programme in the Republic of Maldives

Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Mahendra Bahadur Pandey met the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Maldives, H.E. Ms. Dunya Maumoon at the latter’s office in Male yesterday afternoon. During the meeting, the two Foreign Ministers deliberated on various matters of common interests. Minister Pandey congratulated the Government and people of Maldives on celebrating the 50th year of their [ Read More … ]

Press Release on Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Mahendra Bahadur Pandey leaving for Maldives

Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Mahendra Bahadur Pandey is leaving for Male this evening. He is visiting the Maldives at the invitation of the Foreign Minister of the Maldives, H.E. Ms. Dunya Maumoon. During his stay, Hon’ble Minister will participate in the celebrations on July 26-27, 2015, marking the Golden Jubilee of the Independence of the Maldives. Hon’ble Foreign [ Read More … ]

Press Release on the Separate Courtesy Calls on the FM and FS by the three newly appointed ambassadors

The newly appointed ambassadors of Georgia, Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Nepal, H.E. Mr. Levan Nijharadze, H.E. Mr. Ton Sinh Thanh and H.E. Mr. Hassan Mahmoud Mohammad Al-Jawarneh respectively, paid separate courtesy calls on the Hon. Mr. Mahendra Bahadur Pandey, Minister for Foreign Affairs, at the latter’s office in Singhadurbar in the afternoon today. [ Read More … ]