नेपाल र सार्क

Nepal and SAARC

  1. As a regional organization, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was established on 8 December 1985. As enshrined in SAARC Charter, this regional body mainly aims to promote welfare of South Asians and improve their quality of life; accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development and provide all individuals the opportunity to live in dignity and realize their full potentials; and promote and strengthen collective self-reliance as well as mutual collaboration in various agreed areas of mutual interests. SAARC comprises of eight members, namely, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Similarly, Australia, People"s Republic of China, European Union, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mauritius, Myanmar, and USA are observers in SAARC. Nepal is the founding member and the current Chair of SAARC. Nepal has been contributing to regional cooperation under SAARC in line with the goals and objectives of its Charter.
  2. Summit is the highest decision-making body in SAARC, held in every two years on a rotational basis and is attended by the Heads of State/Government of the Member States. Eighteen SAARC Summits have been held so far. Nepal successfully hosted 18th SAARC Summit in Kathmandu on 26-27 November 2014. During the Summit, SAARC leaders renewed their commitment to deepening regional integration for peace and prosperity by promoting mutual trust, amity, understanding, cooperation and partnership. They also reiterated the need for reinvigorating regional cooperation and revitalizing the Association as an effective vehicle to fulfill the development aspirations of its people.The 36-point Kathmandu Declaration entitled "Deeper Integration for Peace and Prosperity" was adopted at the conclusion of the Summit. At Nepal"s initiative, cooperation in the field of migration, cooperatives and social protection featured for the first time in SAARC agenda and reflected in the Declaration. Signing of SAARC Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation (Electricity) was an important achievement of the Summit.

    Nepal had also successfully organized the 3rd and 11th Summits in Kathmandu in 1987 and 2002 respectively. During the 3rd Summit, SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism was signed which entered into force on 22 August 1988. The Summit commissioned Regional Study on “Consequences of Natural Disasters and Protection and Preservation of Environment”. Two important conventions, namely SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution, 2002 and SAARC Convention on Regional Arrangement for Promotion of Child Welfare in South Asia, 2002 were signed during the 11th Summit.

  3. Council of Ministers comprises the Ministers of Foreign/External Affairs of the Member States. It formulates policies; reviews progress of cooperation; decides on new areas of cooperation; establishes additional mechanism when necessary and also takes decision on other matters of general interest to the Association. Up to now, there have been 37 sessions of the Council held.The 37th Session of the Council of Ministers, also known as "Inter-Summit Session", was held in Pokhara, Nepal on 17 March 2016 to review implementation of the decisions taken at the 18th SAARC Summit and the 36th Session of the Council (Kathmandu, 25 November 2014). The Council decided to streamline SAARC institutions and mechanisms and make them more effective, efficient and result-oriented. The Council endorsed the amendment to SAARC Development Fund (SDF) Charter by reducing the requirement of the provisions from three-member criteria to one-member criteria with direct/indirect benefit to more than one member for launching projects under the Economic window of the SDF. The Council recommended locating SAARC Disaster Management Centre in New Delhi, India and merger of Environment Center with existing SAARC Energy Centre located in Islamabad, Pakistan.

    The Council has also been meeting informally in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly since 1997. Nepal as the current Chair hosted informal sessions of the Council in New York in September 2016 and 2017 where the Ministers held discussion and shared progress achieved in different areas of regional cooperation as well as reviewed implementation of decisions taken on different occasions.

  4. Standing Committee is the charter body at Foreign Secretary level for monitoring and reviewing progress of SAARC activities and programs. It gives directives to SAARC mechanisms and bodies, and also approves projects and programs as well as their financing. It is mandated to mobilize regional and external resources and to identify new areas of cooperation. The latest meeting of the Committee (42nd Session) was held in Pokhara, Nepal on 16 March 2016.
  5. Programming Committee is a SAARC Charter body at the level of Joint Secretaries of the Ministry of Foreign/External Affairs working as National Focal Points on SAARC matters. The Programming Committee meets prior to the Standing Committee sessions or at the end of each English calendar year to finalize calendar of activities, programs and budget of the Secretariat, Regional Centers and Specialized Bodies. Fifty-ninth sessions of the Programming Committee have been held so far, the latest one on 6-7 March 2024 in Kathmandu. During its 59th Session, the Committee made recommendations for the SAARC Secretariat"s budget for 2024. The programs and annual budget of Regional Centres and Specialized Bodies as well as programs/Calendar of Activities of the SAARC Secretariat for 2024 were approved during the Session.
  6. Technical Committee comprises of representatives- professionals from sectoral fields- of Member States who are responsible for implementation, coordination and monitoring of the programmes in their respective areas of cooperation. It submits its periodic reports to the Standing Committee. The chairmanship generally rotates among Member States in an alphabetical order every two years. Its primary functions include determining potential and scope of regional cooperation in agreed areas; formulating programmes and preparing projects; assessing financial implications of sectoral programmes; and recommending apportionment of financial costs, among others.Apart from these bodies, various Working Groups and Action Committees are also constituted in SAARC to carry out preparatory works in sectoral areas; and to advance cooperation involving more than two but not all Member States, respectively.
  7. SAARC Secretariat was established in Kathmandu on 16 January 1987. It mainly coordinates and monitors the implementation of SAARC activities; services meetings of SAARC mechanisms; and serves as channel of communication in SAARC process. The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary-General and assisted by eight Directors (one Director from each Member State) and General Services Staff. H.E. Mr. Md. Golam Sarwar, a senior diplomat from Bangladesh, is the current (15th) Secretary General of SAARC, who took over this responsibility in that capacity on 25 October 2023.SAARC Regional Centers and Specialized Bodies
  8. The are five regional centers and four specialized bodies under SAARC.Regional Centers:

    Specialized Bodies:

    Areas of Cooperation

  9. The SAARC has identified sixteen areas of cooperation as follows: agriculture and rural development; biotechnology; culture; economic and trade matters; education; energy; environment; finance; funding mechanism; information communication and media; people-to-people contacts; poverty alleviation; science and technology; security aspects; social development; and tourism. These areas have been bundled into seven clusters: each is led by one Director from each Member State. They include Agriculture and Rural Development; Environment, Natural Disasters and Biotechnology; Economic, Trade and Finance; Social Affairs; Information and Poverty Alleviation; Energy, Transport, Science and Technology; Education, Security and Culture. Major Cooperation Initiatives in SAARC
  10. Connectivity is sine qua non for regional integration in South Asia. SAARC has accorded top priority and made concerted efforts to enhance both physical and people-to-people connectivity. SAARC Motor Vehicles Agreement and SAARC Regional Railways Agreement are at the stage of finalization. Draft text of SAARC Regional Air Services Agreement is under consideration. Implementation of such instruments would enable regional connectivity in a seamless manner and ensure cross-border flows of goods, services, capital, technology and people.The 18th SAARC Summit Declaration directed relevant authorities to initiate national, regional and sub-regional measures and necessary arrangements for linking South Asia with contiguous regions, including Central Asia, and beyond by all modes of connectivity. The Meeting of SAARC Transport Ministers and Intergovernmental Working Group on Transport take up these matters. The Final Workshop on updating the SAARC Regional Multimodal Transport Study (SRMTS) was held at the SAARC Secretariat, Kathmandu, on 28-29 February 2024. The Workshop was attended by experts from the Ministries/Departments dealing with transport infrastructure and representatives of the Ministries of External/Foreign Affairs of the SAARC Member States.
  11. Economic Cooperation is essential to expedite regional integration process in SAARC region. As envisaged in the SAARC Charter, important steps have been undertaken to expand cooperation in core areas, especially in trade, finance, investment and economic activities. The leaders in the 18th SAARC Summit expressed their strong determination to deepen regional integration for peace, stability and prosperity in South Asia by intensifying cooperation, inter alia, in trade, investment, finance, energy, security, infrastructure, connectivity and culture; and implementing projects, programmes and activities in a prioritized, result-oriented and time-bound manner. The Leaders renewed their commitment to achieve South Asian Economic Union (SAEU) in a phased and planned manner through a Free Trade Area, a Customs Union, a Common Market, and a Common Economic and Monetary Union.A Committee on Economic Cooperation (CEC) comprising commerce/trade secretaries of Member Countries is tasked to formulate and oversee the implementation of specific measures, policies and programs aimed at strengthening and enhancing intra-regional trade and economic exchanges.

    SAARC Finance Ministers" Meeting, Inter-Governmental Expert Group on Financial Issues and SAARC Public Debt Managers" Forum are also working towards economic and financial cooperation. The 8th Meeting of SAARC Finance Ministers held in Islamabad on 26 August 2016 deliberated the issues covered in the Declaration of the 18th SAARC Summit including the process towards the SAEU and full and expeditious implementation of South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA).

    SAARC Finance Ministers also meet informally on the sidelines of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of Asian Development Bank. The Finance Minister of Nepal chaired the Eleventh Informal Meeting of SAARC Finance Ministers held in Yokohama, Japan on 5 May 2017. The theme of the meeting was “50 years of ADB and its operations in SAARC Countries”. The Meeting laid emphasis on some major issues i.e. improvement of infrastructure, connectivity and creating economic corridors among SAARC Member States, operationalization of the SAARC Agreement on Trade in Services (SATIS), and finalization of the text of the Draft SAARC Agreement on Promotion and Protection of Investment.

    The process of expanding intra-regional trade through preferential tariff concession and improved market access was started with the signing of Agreement on SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA) in 1993, later replaced by SAFTA. In view of the limited growth of intra-regional trade, the Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) was signed during the Twelfth Summit in Islamabad in January 2004 together with the aim of realizing South Asian Economic Union (SAEU). The Agreement which entered into force from January 2006 calls for higher level of trade and economic cooperation beyond preferential trading arrangements and promotion of fair competition by removing barriers to and facilitating cross-border movement of goods.

    SAFTA Ministerial Council (SMC), comprising Trade/Commerce Ministers of the Member States, is the highest decision-making body for the implementation of SAFTA. A Committee of Experts (CoE) made up of the representatives of Member States provides support to the SMC. The CoE discusses the matters, among others, relating to trade liberalization program, sensitive lists, rules of origin, and technical assistance to LDCs.

    With a view to ensuring substantial expansion in intra-regional trade, Member States continue to focus deliberations on reducing "sensitive list", particularly for items of LDC interests; on removing non-tariff and para-tariff barriers; and on providing for adequate trading infrastructures including efficient transit transport facilities.

    Recognizing potentials of growth in trade in services in the region, SAARC Agreement on Trade in Services (SATIS) was signed in Thimphu, Bhutan during the 16th Summit (April 2010). SATIS entered into force with effect from 29 November 2012. The SATIS aims to promote and enhance trade in services among the member states in a mutually beneficial and equitable manner. The Agreement provides for expanding intra-regional investments, and trade liberalization in services sector. Areas such as banking, telecommunication and tourism (including airline services) are considered as major areas of interests in the field of trade in services.

    A number of trade facilitation agreements and measures have been put in place under SAARC. SAARC Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters and SAARC Multilateral Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation are in effect. Agreement on Promotion and Protection of Investments, SAARC Motor Vehicle Agreement, SAARC Railway Service Agreement and SAARC Regional Air Service Agreement are under consideration. The agreement on the establishment of SAARC Arbitration Council aims at settling trade-related disputes and the Council is already operational with headquarters in Islamabad, Pakistan.

  12. Energy: Given high energy demand and huge energy deficit in the region, energy constitutes another important area for cooperation among SAARC Member States. SAARC Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation (Electricity) was signed in 2014 during the 18th SAARC Summit and is in the process of ratification. It has opened up an avenue for energy trade in the region. Energy cooperation can transform the region"s development outlook.
  13. Tourism: In view of its natural beauty, ancient civilization and cultural diversity, South Asia has immense potentials for the development of tourism sector. A joint promotion campaign and marketing is necessary to develop and promote SAARC region as a destination in international tourism market. Tourism has been featuring in SAARC deliberation from the very beginning. SAARC Tourism Minister"s meeting and Working Group on Tourism are working on to formulate regional approach in tourism promotion. Nepal hosted the 2nd SAARC Tourism Ministers" Meeting in January 2011 preceded by the Fourth Working Group Meeting. These meetings reviewed the progress made in the SAARC Action Plan on Promotion of Tourism. During the 5th Meeting of the Working Group (New Delhi, 25-26 November 2015), Nepali delegation presented an overview of major tourist destinations in Nepal and also highlighted the impact of April 2015 Earthquakes on its tourism business. The Meeting also discussed Tourism Vision 2020 and the need for developing Buddhist Circuit within SAARC. In a bid to promote people-to-people contacts, cultural cooperation and exchange of artists, Nepal hosted the SAARC Artist Camp and Exhibition in Kathmandu in July 2017.
  14. Agriculture: This sector makes a significant contribution to the South Asian economy as well as to the livelihood of its people. It accounts for over 40 percent employment opportunities in South Asia. Large portion of South Asia"s landmass is still rural. The leaders, during the 18th SAARC Summit, agreed to increase investment, promote research and development, facilitate technical cooperation and apply innovative, appropriate and reliable technologies for enhancing agricultural food and nutritional security. Promotion of sustainable agriculture is of equal priority within the ambit of regional cooperation. Ratification of SAARC Seed Bank Agreement is in the process. Establishment of Regional Vaccine Bank and Regional Livestock Gene Bank is under consideration. The 3rd Meeting of SAARC Agriculture Ministers held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 07 April 2016 adopted the Dhaka Statement on Agriculture and Rural Development. The Statement underlines the importance of the operationalization of SAARC Food Bank and SAARC Seed Bank, strengthening research-extension system, trans-boundary animal diseases, and addressing issues of agriculture trade barriers and exchange of germ-plasms.
  15. Environment: South Asia remains in vulnerable zone to environmental degradation, adverse impact of climate change and frequent incidence of disasters all across the world. The 3rd Summit of SAARC held in Kathmandu underscored the importance of region-wide approach to address issues of environment by strengthening and intensifying cooperation to preserve, protect and manage diverse and fragile eco-systems of the region. The Summit also highlighted the need to work together to face challenges posed by climate change and natural disasters. The Summit commissioned a Regional Study on the “Consequences of Natural Disasters and the Protection and Preservation of the Environment” and the Study was completed in 1991. The 18th SAARC Summit directed the relevant mechanisms/bodies for effective implementation of SAARC Agreement on Rapid Response to Natural Disasters, SAARC Convention on Environment and Thimpu Statement on Climate Change.The SAARC Environment Ministers" Meeting and the Technical Committee on Environment and Forestry as well as SAARC Environment and Disaster Management Center are the mechanisms to guide and facilitate cooperation, carry out research, organize training and share information among the Member States. Nine rounds of SAARC Environment Ministers" meeting were held since 1991. The meetings took stock of progress and also made necessary decisions in order to further enhance regional cooperation in the area of environment, climate change and natural disasters. The 10th Meeting of the Environment Ministers is to be held in Nepal.
  16. Poverty Alleviation: Poverty continues to remain a formidable common challenge in South Asia. The region is still characterized as a pocket of global poverty. The leaders of SAARC expressed their strong commitment to realize poverty-free South Asia ever since the first SAARC Summit. At the 18th SAARC Summit, they directed Ministerial and Secretary-level mechanisms on poverty alleviation to revisit SAARC Plan of Action on Poverty Alleviation, taking into account Post-2015 Development Agenda. In this regard, an Inter-Governmental process has already initiated to appropriately contextualize Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at regional level.
  17. Labour Migration: A sizeable number of youths from South Asia go abroad for work. Ensuring safety, security and wellbeing of migrant workers becomes overriding concern for SAARC countries. In this context, our leaders at the 18th Summit agreed to collaborate and cooperate on safe, orderly and responsible management of labour migration from South Asia. During the Summit, Nepal proposed to establish a regional mechanism to work on migrant workers. Accordingly, SAARC Plan of Action for Cooperation on Matters Related to Migration has been finalized and zero draft of "SAARC Declaration on Labour Migration" is under consideration. The first meeting of the Technical Committee to be held in Nepal within 2018 is expected to finalize Draft SAARC Declaration on Labour Migration.
  18. Cooperatives: have huge potentials in achieving inclusive, broad-based and sustainable economic growth and development in the region. In the declaration of the 18th SAARC Summit, our leaders called for sharing of experiences, expertise and best practices in this sector. At Nepal"s initiative, it has become an agenda in SAARC and Nepal prepared a Concept Note on "Cooperatives".
  19. Social Protection: In view of social, environmental and disaster-related problems as well as risks and challenges faced in the SAARC region, adequate social protection is essential. In the declaration of the 18th SAARC Summit, the leaders acknowledged special needs of elderly, women, children, differently-abled persons, unemployed persons, and persons working at hazardous sites, and agreed to develop and strengthen social protection for them and to share best practices in this regard. At Nepal"s initiative, a draft regional action plan on social protection is being worked out and will be provided to the Member States for consideration.
  20. Public Health: Cooperation in public health ensures visibility of SAARC at people"s level. SAARC Member States have ample ground to work on common issues and challenges of public health. The leaders in the 18th SAARC Summit recognized the importance of universal health coverage, improving health regulatory system, preparedness for emerging and re-emerging diseases, and challenges posed by anti-microbial resistance and NCDs.The Sixth Meeting of SAARC Health Ministers held in Colombo on 29 July 2017 adopted the Colombo Declaration- Calling for accelerated progress on key regional health issues. It was agreed to establish mechanisms to share experiences on development of human resources for health, ensuring accessibility, equity and quality of health care; and share experiences on best practices adopted on health issues pertaining to NCDs, Vector Borne Disease, Sanitation, Nutrition, Climate change and Disaster. It was also decided to work together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of this sector through enhanced partnership and collaboration.

    The 2nd Meeting of the Technical Committee on Health and Population Activities held in Kathmandu on 5-6 May 2008 deliberated Project Concept Notes on Maternal and Child Health Care and Immunization. The Fourth Meeting held in New Delhi in April 2015 recommended for setting up of Expert Groups for Vector Borne Diseases (Malaria/Dengue/Chikangunya and others) with particular attention to Malaria, setting up an Expert Group/Consultative Group on Hepatitis and holding an annual meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

    In line with the directive of the Twelfth SAARC Summit and SAARC Regional Strategy on HIV and AIDS, SAARC Goodwill Ambassadors Programme was commenced with the aim of bringing issue of HIV and AIDS to political and public forefront. The Thirtieth Session of the SAARC Council of Ministers (Colombo, 31 July - 1 August 2008) approved two regional personalities: Ms. Shabana Azmi from India; and Mr. Sanath Jayasuriya from Sri Lanka as SAARC Goodwill Ambassadors for HIV and AIDS. In January 2013, three regional personalities were conferred with honorary title of SAARC Goodwill Ambassadors namely- Ms. Runa Laila from Bangladesh, Shri Ajay Devgan from India and Ms. Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy from Pakistan.

  21. Terrorism and Trans-national Crimes: are key security challenges in SAARC region. SAARC Member states have been cooperating on security matters through regular meetings at the level of Home/Interior Ministers, Home/Interior Secretaries and of SAARC Terrorist Offences Monitoring Desk (STOMD) and SAARC Drug Offense Monitoring Desk (SDOMD). At the 3rd Summit in 1987, SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism was signed. This instrument has laid ground for working together for the prevention and elimination of terrorism from the region. Subsequently in 2004, Additional Protocol to the SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism was also signed at the 12thSummit in Islamabad. Two important instruments- SAARC Convention on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and SAARC Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters was signed at the 5th and 15th SAARC Summits respectively.The 8th Meeting of SAARC Interior/ Home Ministers, preceded by the 8th Meeting of SAARC Secretaries of Interior/Home and the 8th Meeting of SAARC Immigration Authorities, was held in Colombo on 12-13 July 2017. The Ministers highlighted actions taken to counter acts of terrorism, drug controls and human-trafficking at national and regional level. They also unequivocally condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and called for collective efforts in countering terrorism.
  22. SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme: With a view to promoting people-to-people contacts through movement of people across the region, SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme is in operation since 1992. There are 24 categories of entitled persons (Group A-19, Group B- 5) under the Scheme, covering dignitaries, government officials, businessmen, sportsmen, journalists, and heads of institutions/organizations. The Eighth Meeting of SAARC Immigration Authorities was held prior to the Home Ministers" Meeting in Sri Lanka on 11 July 2017 and agreed to review “Guidelines and Procedures” for SVES.
  23. Good Governance: is essential for achieving sustainable development in South Asia. During the 18th SAARC Summit, the leaders reiterated their strong commitment to promoting accountability, transparency, rule of law and people"s participation at all levels of governance.SAARC Cabinet Secretaries have met four times since 2008 in order to discuss their professional issues such as administrative reform, procedural simplification and implementation of development programs in SAARC countries. Their Fourth Meeting held in Kathmandu in June 2016 shared best practices in their governance system and discussed framework of collective cooperation for achieving regional prosperity and welfare of the peoples. Back-to-back to the meeting, Nepal made a presentation on the performance-based incentive system in Nepal.

    Parliament members in the region are also interested in making SAARC effective and people-centred organization. The International Relations and Labour Committee of the Legislature-Parliament of Nepal convened "Regional Conference on SAARC Effectiveness" in Kathmandu on 29-30 September 2016. Chairpersons of Parliamentary Committees dealing with SAARC affairs from all Member States attended the Conference. Prime Minister of Nepal inaugurated the Conference. Regional experts in SAARC affairs presented papers on five topics, i.e. overview of three decades of SAARC, economic cooperation, fostering trust and understanding, deepening integration through enhanced connectivity, and strengthening institutional mechanisms.

  24. Non-Governmental and People to People Relations: There are 6 SAARC Apex bodies and 18 Recognized bodies under SAARC at the non-governmental level, renewal of status of which is pending now, subject to approval by upcoming Meeting of Council of Ministers. SAARC accords the status of Apex and Recognized bodies to regional organizations for the promotion of social, economic and cultural development in the region in conformity with the SAARC Charter. The Standing Committee reviews the performance of the bodies and makes recommendations to the Council of Ministers for renewal of the period of recognition. The recognition for Apex bodies and Recognized bodies is granted for a period of five years and three years, respectively.
  25. SAARC Conventions and Agreements
    SN Charter/Agreement/Convention/Protocol Date of Signing
    1 SAARC Charter Dhaka, 8 December 1985
    2 Memorandum on the Establishment of the SAARC Secretariat Bangalore, 16 November 1986
    3 Agreement on Establishing the SAARC Food Security Reserve Kathmandu, 4 November 1987
    4 Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism Kathmandu, 4 November 1987
    5 Regional Convention on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Kathmandu, 23 November 1990
    6 Agreement on SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA) Dhaka, 11 April 1993
    7 SAARC Convention on Regional Arrangements for the Promotion of Child Welfare in South Asia Kathmandu, 5 January 2002
    8 SAARC Convention on Preventing & Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution Kathmandu, 5 January 2002
    9 SAARC Social Charter Islamabad, 6 January 2004
    10 Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) Islamabad, 6 January 2004
    11 Additional Protocol to the SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism Islamabad, 6 January 2004
    12 Agreement on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters Dhaka, 13 November 2005
    13 Agreement on the Establishment of SAARC Arbitration Council (SARCO) Dhaka, 13 November 2005
    14 Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation and Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Dhaka, 13 November 2005
    15 Joint Declaration on the Admission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan into the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) New Delhi, 3 April 2007
    16 Agreement on the Establishing the SAARC Food Bank New Delhi, 3 April 2007
    17 Agreement for Establishment of South Asian University New Delhi, 3 April 2007
    18 SAARC Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Nepal & Pakistan yet to ratify Agreement) Colombo, 3 August 2008
    19 Protocol of Accession of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) Colombo, 3 August 2008
    20 Agreement on the Establishment of

    South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO)

    Colombo, 3 August 2008
    21 Charter of the SAARC Development Fund Colombo, 3 August 2008
    22 SAARC Agreement on Trade in Services (SATIS) Thimphu, 29 April 2010
    23 SAARC Convention on Cooperation on Environment Thimphu, 29 April 2010
    24 SAARC Agreement on Multilateral Arrangement on Recognition of Conformity Assessment Maldives, 11 November 2011
    25 SAARC Agreement on Implementation of Regional Standards Maldives, 11 November 2011
    26 SAARC Agreement on Rapid Response to Natural Disasters Maldives, 11 November 2011
    27 Agreement on Establishing the SAARC Seed Bank Maldives, 11 November 2011
    28 SAARC Framework Agreement on Energy Cooperation (Electricity) (Pakistan yet to ratify the Agreement) Kathmandu, 27 Nov 2014

    Nepal and SAARC

  26. As one of the founding members and current Chair of SAARC, Nepal remains committed to the noble principles and purposes of SAARC Charter for realizing shared goals of regional peace, stability and prosperity. That Nepal hosts the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu since 1987 is a testament of her unwavering commitments to carry forward SAARC process in mutual interests of Member States and the peoples in the region. Since the very inception of this regional forum, Nepal has been playing a constructive role in promoting and enhancing collaboration, partnerships in the agreed areas of cooperation for common interests and benefits. Out of 18 SAARC Summits, Nepal attended five Summits (1st to 4th and 13th) at the level of the Head of State and the rest were attended at the level of the Head of Government. Nepal successfully hosted the 3rd,, 11th and 18th Summits in Kathmandu in 1987, 2002 and 2014 respectively.

    Nepal also hosts the SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre (STAC) in Bhaktapur. The STAC commenced functioning as SAARC TB Centre in 1994 and was renamed as SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre in November 2007. The Centre has been supporting the National TB Control Programs of the SAARC Member States. Mr. Yadab Kant Silwal and former Foreign Secretary Mr. Arjun Bahadur Thapa served as the fourth (1 January 1994 to 31 December 1995) and 12th (March 2014-February 2017) Secretary-General of SAARC.

    SAARC Apex and Recognized Bodies

  27. The SAARC Apex bodies and the SAARC Recognized bodies work in collaboration with SAARC, especially to promote people-to-people contacts in the region and to foster mutual understanding and goodwill among the peoples of South Asia. Currently, the status of recognition of all the Apex and Recognized Bodies as follows remains expired.

    SAARC Apex Bodies

    1. SAARC Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI)
    3. South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC)
    4. South Asia Foundation (SAF)
    5. South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA)
    6. Foundation of SAARC Writers and Literature (FOSWAL)

    SAARC Recognized Bodies

    1. Association of Management and Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA)
    2. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation of Architects (SAARCH)
    3. Federation of State Insurance Organizations of SAARC Countries (FSIO)
    4. SAARC Diploma Engineers (SDEF)
    5. Radiological Society of SAARC Countries (RSSC)
    6. SAARC Teachers Federation (STF)
    7. SAARC Surgical Care Society (SSCS)
    8. South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA)
    9. SAARC Women"s Association (SWA)
    10. Hindukush Himalayan Grassroots Women"s Natural Resources Management (HIMAWANTI)
    11. Federation of Association of Pediatric Surgeons of SAARC Countries (FAPSS)
    12. South Asian Federation of Exchanges (SAFE)
    13. SAARC Federation of Oncologist (SFO)
    14. South Asia Association of National Scout Organization (SAANSO)
    15. South Asian Network of Economic Research Institute (SANEI)
    16. SAARC Academy of Ophthalmology
    17. South Asian Women Development Forum (SAWDF)
    18. Self-employed Women"s Association (SEWA)

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Regional Organizations Division

    July 2024