Nepali Missions with Concurrent Accreditation

Concurrent Accreditation of Nepali Missions Abroad

S.No. Name and Address of Residential Embassies Non-residential Concurrent Accreditation Concurrent Accreditation to International Organizations
1 Embassy of Nepal, Canberra(Australia)
  1. Fiji
  2. New Zealand
  3.  Papua New Guinea
  4. Vanuatu
  5. Tuvalu
  6. Solomon Islands
  7. Samoa
  8. Republic of Palau
  9. Republic of Nauru
  10. Republic of the Marshall Islands
  11. Kingdom of Tonga
2 Embassy of Nepal, Manama(Bahrain)
3 Embassy of Nepal, Dhaka(Bangladesh) 1. BIMSTEC Secretariat
4 Embassy of Nepal,  Brussels (Belgium) 1. Luxembourg
2. The Netherlands
1. European Union (EU)
2. OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)
3. World Customs Organization (WCO)
4.  Common Fund for Commodities (CFC), Netherlands
5. Center for the Promotion of Products from Developing Countries (CBI), Netherlands
5 Embassy of Nepal,  Brasilia (Brazil)
  1. Argentina
  2. Bolivia
  3. Chile
  4. Colombia
  5. Guyana
  6. Paraguay
  7. Peru
  8. St. Vincent and Grenadines
  9. Uruguay
  10. Venezuela
  11. Antigua and Barbuda
  12. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  13. Suriname
  14. St. Lucia
  15. Commonwealth of Dominica
  16. Barbados
  17. Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
6 Embassy of Nepal, Ottawa (Canada) 1. Cuba
2. Jamaica
3. Dominican Republic
4. Haiti
1. ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)
7 Embassy of Nepal, Beijing (China) 1. DPR of Korea
2. Mongolia
1. SCO(Shanghai Cooperation Organization)
2. INBAR(International Network  for Bamboo and Rattan)
3. AIIB(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank)
8 Embassy of Nepal, Copenhagen (Denmark) 1. Finland
2. Norway
3. Sweden
4. Iceland
5. Latvia
6. Lithuania
7. Estonia
9 Embassy of Nepal, Cairo (Egypt)
  1. Algeria
  2. Ethiopia
  3. Lebanon
  4. Libya
  5. Morocco
  6. Nigeria
  7. Syria
  8. Tunisia
  9. Mali
  10. Mauritania
  11. Rep. of Guinea
  12. Jordan
  13. Sudan
  14. Uganda
  15. Republic of Djibouti
  16. Eritrea
  17. Niger
  18. Rwanda
  19. Republic of South Sudan
  20. Togo/Togolese Republic
  21. Ghana
  22. The Gambia
  23. Sierra Leone
  24. Republic of Cameroon
10 Embassy of Nepal, Paris (France) 1. Andorra
2. Monaco
3. Portugal
1. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
11 Embassy of Nepal, Berlin (Germany) 1. Czech Republic
2. Holy See
3. Romania
4. Poland
5. Ukraine
6. Serbia
7. Slovakia
8. Bulgaria
9. Hungary
1. UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate   Change)
12 Embassy of Nepal, Spain (Madrid)
  1. Malta
13 Embassy of Nepal, New Delhi (India) 1. Afghanistan
2. Bhutan
14 Embassy of Nepal, Tel Aviv ( Israel) 1. Cyprus
15 Embassy of Nepal, Tokyo(Japan) 1. APO (Asian Productivity Organization)
2. UNU (UN University, Tokyo)
16 Embassy of Nepal, Seoul (Republic of Korea)
17 Embassy of Nepal, Kuwait City (Kuwait) 1.Iraq 1. ACD (Asian Cooperation Dialogue Secretariat)
18 Embassy of Nepal, Muscat (Oman)
19 Embassy of Nepal, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
  1. Indonesia
  2. Brunei Darussalam
  3. The Philippines
  4. Timor-Leste
20 Embassy of Nepal, Yangon (Myanmar)
21 Embassy of Nepal,  Islamabad (Pakistan)
  1. Turkey
  2. Tajikistan
  3. Kyrgyzstan
  4. Turkmenistan
  5. Uzbekistan
22 Embassy of Nepal,  Doha (Qatar)
  1. Iran
23 Embassy of Nepal, Moscow (Russian Federation) 1. Belarus
2. Kazakhstan
3. Moldova
4. Georgia
5. Armenia
6. Azerbaijan
24 Embassy of Nepal, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) 1. Somalia
2. Yemen
1. Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), Riyadh
25 Embassy of Nepal, Pretoria (South Africa)
  1. Botswana
  2. Kenya
  3. Lesotho
  4. Congo (DRC)
  5. Tanzania
  6. Zambia
  7. Zimbabwe
  8. Gabon
  9. Mozambique
  10. Mauritius
  11. Seychelles
  12. Cóte d’ Ivoire
  13. Cabo Verde
  14. Liberia
  15. Angola
  16. Burkina Faso
  17. Benin
  18. Burundi
  19. Madagascar
  20. Equatorial Guinea
  21. Eswatini
  22. Republic of Malawi
1. UN Environment Program, Kenya
26 Embassy of Nepal, Colombo (Sri Lanka) 1. Maldives 1. Colombo Plan Secretariat
2. SACEP (South Asian Cooperative Environment Program)
27 Embassy of Nepal, Bangkok (Thailand) 1. Singapore
2. Cambodia
3. Laos
4. Vietnam
1. UNESCAP( UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)
2. AIT (Asian Institute of Technology)
28 Embassy of Nepal, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) 1. IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency)
29 Embassy of Nepal, London (United Kingdom) 1. Ireland 1. WTO (World Tourism Organization)
2. IMO (International Maritime Organization )
3. ICO (International Coffee Organization)
4. ITC (International Tea Committee), London
5. World Energy Council
30 Embassy of Nepal, Washington DC(USA)
  1. Panama
  2. Costa Rica
  3. Mexico
  4. El Salvador
  5. Honduras
  6. Guatemala
  7. Bahamas
  8. Belize
1.      World Bank
2.      IMF (International Monetary Fund)
3.      World Bank Group (IBRD, IDA, IFC and MIGA)
31 Permanent Mission of Nepal to the UN, New York 1. Ecuador
2. Nicaragua
32 Permanent Mission of Nepal to the UN and Other International Organizations/Embassy of Nepal, Geneva (Switzerland) 1.  Italy
2. San Marino
3. Liechtenstein
1.   WTO  (World Trade Organization),  WHO,
2.   UPU and all other international organizations based in Geneva.
33 Permanent Mission of Nepal to the UN and Other International Organizations/ Embassy of Nepal, Vienna, (Austria) 1. Albania
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Croatia
4. Greece
5. Macedonia
6. Montenegro
7. Slovenia
2. FAO
6. WFP
8. UNOOSA and all other international organizations based in Vienna