Nepal – Lithuania Relations

Nepal and Lithuania established diplomatic ties with effect from 8 February 2005. The relations between the two countries have remained cordial and friendly since then. Nepal accredited its Embassy in Copenhagen as the non-resident Embassy to Lithuania, and Lithuanian Embassy in New Delhi is accredited to Nepal. There have been contacts at official levels during UN General Assembly and other international forums. The two countries have worked together on a number of occasions in the areas or common interests. However, high-level visits are yet to take place.

 Lithuania provided support for the relief and rescue works after the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal.

Trade, Investment and tourism

So far, there have been minimal contacts and exchanges between the two countries. Trade, tourism and investment relations between the two countries are at a very low level. Some of the commodities imported by Nepal from Lithuania are machinery and equipment. Nepal exports carpets, clothing accessories, work of art, etc. Trade volume between Nepal and Lithuania for the last few years is shown in the table below:

(Value in US dollars)

Year Export Import Balance
2016 70,334 394,466 -324,132
2017 80,729 2,107,233 -2,026,504
2018 59,201 1,020,781 -961,580
2019 18,713 947,952 -929,239

(Source: TEPC)

According to the statistics of the Department of Industry, there was one company of Lithuania until July 2020, which brought in investments of 5 million Rupees, supporting creation of 38 jobs.

A small number of travellers from Lithuania visit Nepal every year. Nepal’s Himalayas and mountainous topography are the major interest for them. Likewise, a few Nepali nationals, including students and workers, live in Lithuania.


September 2020