

नेपाल संवत: ११४५ चिल्लाथ्व चतुर्दशी - १४

Press Release issued by Embassy of Nepal, Brussels regarding Twenty- Second Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)

Press Release


His Excellency Mr Lok Bahadur Thapa, Permanent Representative of Nepal to the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) delivered, in his capacity as the leader of the Nepali delegation, a statement today in the Twenty- Second Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) being held in the Hague.

In his statement, Ambassador Thapa said that being the birthplace of Lord Buddha, apostle of peace and nonviolence, Nepal strongly believes in the peaceful world without any threat of weapons of mass destruction.

He reiterated Nepal’s commitment to its long standing principled position of working towards achieving general and complete disarmament of all kinds of weapons of mass destruction. Ambassador Thapa said that Nepal is steadfast in denouncing the production, stockpiling and proliferation of such weapons. Nepal is absolutely against the use of chemical weapons by any state or non-state actor, anywhere, under any pretext or circumstances, he underscored. While appreciating the mandate carried out and roles played by the OPCW in destructing the chemical weapons in different countries, he stressed on the need to the destruction of remaining stockpiles around the globe.

Expressing that the Chemical Weapons Convention as a unique and non-discriminatory international disarmament instrument, Ambassador Thapa stressed on its full and effective implementation in order to achieve general disarmament goals.

Ambassador Thapa also emphasized on the need for  promoting the flow of chemical technology, trade of chemicals and exchange of expertise that contribute to the economic and technological development of non-possessor state parties like Nepal.

He appreciated the OPCW for providing training opportunities for officials from different countries including Nepal. While keeping the Session abreast of the achievements made so far with regard to the implementation of CWC convention, he expressed that Nepal is committed to the implementation of the CWC with the enactment of a complete and comprehensive national legislation in near future.

While highlighting increased level of engagement between Nepal and the OPCW, Ambassador Thapa expressed his happiness that Nepal is hosting the Seventh Regional Basic Training Course on Emergency Response to Chemical Incidents for State Parties in Asia in Kathmandu from 9 to 13, April 2018.

The OPCW) is the implementing body of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which entered into force in 1997. As of today OPCW has 192 Member States including Nepal, which work together to achieve a world free of chemical weapons. The OPCW Member States share the collective goal of preventing chemistry from ever again being used for warfare, thereby strengthening international security.

The Twenty- Second Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is being held in the Hague from November 27 to December 1, 2017.

The session has chosen by consensus Ambassador Mr. Fernando Aries, Permanent Representative of Spain to the OPCW as the next Director General.


Embassy of Nepal
29 November 2017