Press release on Hon. Foreign Minister’s Visit to Banglagesh -Day 02

Press Release

Nepal and Bangladesh held official bilateral talk today. The Nepali Delegation was led by Hon. Foreign Minister Pradeep Kumar Gyawali and Bangladeshi delegation was led by his counterpart Hon. Foreign Minister of Bangladesh H.E Dr. A.K. Abdul Momen, M.P. at the State Guest House – Padma.

Both the Ministers made a comprehensive review of all aspects of bilateral relations and exchanged substantive views on further expanding and strengthening cooperation between the two countries. Expansion of two-way trade through removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers, simplifications of administrative procedures, facilitating measures at border point, development of multimodal connectivity networks, improved transit facilities and promotion of investment; collaboration in promoting tourism, enhancement of cooperation in energy sector, promotion of cultural cooperation, furthering cooperation in education sector were the main subjects of discussions between the two sides. The two Ministers also exchanged views on cooperation on regional and global issues of common interests.

The two sides underlined the importance of revitalizing all mechanisms to advance bilateral cooperation and partnership. The meeting also underscored the importance of the exchanging high level visits. The Bangladeshi side expressed hope that high level visit from Nepal would take place in near future.

The two Foreign Ministers jointly addressed the media highlighting the major outcomes of the bilateral talks.

After the bilateral talks, the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh hosted a Luncheon in honor of the Foreign Minister of Nepal and accompanying delegation at the State Guest House Padma.

In the afternoon, Foreign Minister Gyawali delivered a keynote speech on the theme ‘Bangladesh- Nepal Relations: Prospects for Sub-regional Cooperation’ organized by the Bangladesh Institute for International and Strategic Studies (BIISS). The programme was attended by Government Officials, Ambassadors, Think Tanks, Academia, Researchers and Journalists, among others.

Late in the afternoon, the Foreign Minister Gyawali paid a courtesy call on Hon. Md. Abdul Hamid, President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh at Bangabhaban. The President recalled his visit to Nepal in November last year and expressed his desire to welcome the Rt. Hon. President of Nepal to Bangladesh. Matters of mutual interests were discussed during the meeting.

Earlier in the morning, Hon. Foreign Minister visited Bangabandhu Memorial Museum, Dhanmundi, Dhaka and paid his tributes to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Embassy of Nepal
18 February 2020

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