नेपाल र एसीडी

Nepal and Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD)

  1. Asia Cooperation Dialogue was established on 18 June 2002. ACD aims to promote interdependence among countries of Asia in all areas of cooperation. Thirty-five countries of Asia are its members. ACD includes all members of some regional groupings such as BIMSTEC, ASEAN, GCC, SCO, and SAARC except Maldives. Permanent secretariat of ACD is located in Kuwait City.
  2. ACD originally identified twenty areas of cooperation and now is consolidated into six priority pillars, namely connectivity; science, technology and innovation; education and human resource development; interrelation of food, energy and water security; culture and tourism; and promoting approaches to inclusive and sustainable development. Each area of cooperation is driven by a group of countries identified as prime or co-prime movers. Nepal is a co-prime mover in culture and tourism sector.
  3. ACD has three main institutional mechanisms. ACD Summit is the apex decision-making body. First and Second ACD Summits were held in Kuwait City on 15-17 October 2012 and Bangkok, Thailand on 8-10 October 2016 respectively. Nepal participated in the 2nd ACD Summit held in Bangkok. Third ACD Summit will be held in Qatar in 2024.
  4. ACD Ministerial Meeting comprises of annual meeting of Foreign Ministers. Thailand hosted the 14th Ministerial Meeting in Bangkok from 8-10 March 2016 which approved Nepal"s membership and welcomed Nepal as its 34thmember.
  5. Foreign Ministers also meet annually at the margin of UNGA. Hon. Foreign Minister attended the 18th ACD Foreign Ministers" Meeting held in New York in September 2023 on the sideline of UNGA.
  6. ACD Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) is attended by foreign secretaries or senior government officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Member States.
  7. Nepal has been participating in the activities/events of ACD.