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Name Country Specialization Detail
{{ expert.name }} {{ expert.country }} {{ expert.expertise }}
  • {{ expertise }}

Showing {{ from }} to {{ to }} of {{ total }} experts

{{ searchResultText }}

Please contact at bgc@mofa.gov.np to get more info of the expert.

Singha Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal

Prefix : {{ selectedExpert.basic_info.prefix || 'N\\A' }}
Name : {{ selectedExpert.name }}
E-mail : {{ selectedExpert.email }}
Website : {{ selectedExpert.basic_info.website || 'N\\A' }}
Country : {{ selectedExpert.country }}
Education Level : {{ selectedExpert.basic_info.education_level || selectedExpert.basic_info.education_level_other || 'N\\A' }}
Primary Institution : {{ selectedExpert.basic_info.primary_institution || 'N\\A' }}
Institution Type : {{ selectedExpert.basic_info.institution_type || selectedExpert.basic_info.institution_type_other || 'N\\A' }}
Specialization :
  • {{ expertise }}
Involvements in Nepal :