Press Release on the visit of the US congressional delegation

Press Release


The United States congressional delegation led by Senator Her Excellency Ms. Kirsten Gillibrand paid a courtesy call on Rt. Hon. Mr. Sher Bahadur Deuba, Prime Minister, this morning. During the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on various aspects of Nepal-United States relations and cooperation. The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister thanked the United States Congress for its continued support to Nepal, including during the difficult times of the 2015 earthquakes and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Both sides underscored the importance of parliamentary interactions for the enrichment of the multidimensional Nepal-US friendship. Views were also exchanged on institutionalizing democracy and cooperation in climate change.

Earlier this morning, the visiting US delegation called on the Hon. Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Narayan Khadka at the latter’s office. Hon. Dr. Khadka appreciated the longstanding US cooperation to Nepal’s development endeavours and expressed hope that the visit by the US delegation to Nepal will contribute to further strengthening of the bilateral relations. The US congressional delegation reaffirmed the commitment to working closely with Nepal on the matters of common interests. The matters related to agriculture and food security as well as Nepal’s role in the UN peacekeeping also featured during the conversation.

The Nepal-US Parliamentary Friendship Group in the Federal Parliament of Nepal is scheduled to have an interaction with the visiting US Congressional delegation today.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Singh Durbar, Kathmandu
23 April, 2022