Nepal–Sudan Relations

Republic of Sudan is located in the north-eastern part of Africa, bordering the Red Sea, between Egypt and Eritrea. It also borders Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya and South Sudan. It Comprises area of 1,882,000 sq km Sq. Km.

It has 18 states. Sudan is presidential republic. It became a Republic in 1956.

The country has a population of 39.58 million (2016 WB) people and its GDP per capita (Current) is about US$ 2,513.9 (2015, WB) and GNI US$ 1,511 (UN, 2017).

H.E. Umar Hassan Ahmad al-BASHIR is the president of Sudan since 16 October 1993.   BAKRI Hassan Salih is the First Vice President since 3 December 2013 and prime minister since 2 March 2017; The Second Vice President of Sudan is Hasabu Mohamed ABDEL RAHMIN since 3 December 2013. Professor Ibrahim Ahmed Abdulaziz Ghandour is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sudan.

Nepal and Sudan established diplomatic relations on 11 July 1969. But they have not established the embassy in each other’s land. Nepal looks Sudan through her embassy in Cairo, Egypt. Sudan looks Nepal through her embassy in New Delhi. Mr. Abbas Elbakhiet Mousa is the Honorary Consul of Nepal to Sudan.

Nepal-Sudan Bilateral trade:

Year Export in NRS Import in NRS
2014 3,943,654 1,727,367
2015 1,764,619 150,928,046
2016 3,068,794 1,626,937

Sudan became member of the UN on 12 November 1956. Similarly Sudan is the member state of G-77, NAM, etc. Sudan is the one of the observer states of WTO.

Sudan is also  member of various regional organizations, particularly the African Union (AU), African Development Bank (AFDB), Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), League of Arab States (LAS), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Sudan suffered conflict between 2003 to 2011 and tens of thousands of Sudanese were killed. A peace deal was signed in 2005 but violence continued. In 2011, the South Sudan got independence from the Republic of Sudan following a referendum. President Omar Bashir has been accused of committing war crimes and ICC has issued arrest warrant against him in 2009.

While the general human rights situation in the Sudan has remained unstable, especially in conflict-affected areas like Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile, the Government continues to make progress in legislative and institutional developments aimed at improving the situation of human rights in the country. In addition, human rights awareness has improved across the different government sectors and relative improvement can be seen among the general population. Nonetheless, effective implementation and practical realization of most of the Government’s human rights policies on the ground remain generally slow.

UN played key role in managing conflict in Sudan with presence of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) from 24 March 2005 to 9 July 2011. United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) was established on 31 July 2007 as AU-UN Hybrid Mission and Republic of Sudan has been extending cooperation to the UNAMID in carrying out its mandate.

CAWAA Division
MOFA, Kathmandu
09 February 2018