Nepal- El Salvador Relations  

The relations between Nepal and the Republic of El Salvador are based on mutual friendship, confidence and goodwill since the establishment of diplomatic relations on 21 September 2016. Nepali Ambassador to the United States of America in Washington D.C. is concurrently accredited to El Salvador. Similarly, Ambassador of El Salvador to India in New Delhi is concurrently accredited to Nepal.

Nepal and El Salvador share the common views in many international relations. The two countries have exchanged cooperation in multilateral forums on various matters of common interest. The two countries have been working closely at the United Nations and other intergovernmental processes, including the Group of 77.



The size of interactions on trade, investment and tourism remains nominal at the moment. Some of the commodities imported by Nepal from El Salvador are chemicals, machineries, electric equipment, fabrics etc. Nepal exported carpet and other textile floor covering to El Salvador in the year 2018. Trade volume between Nepal and the Republic of El Salvador for the last few years is shown in the table below:


Year Export Import Balance
2015 0 24586 -24586
2016 0 15250 -15250
2017 0 11313 -11313
2018 22285 28025 -5740
2019 0 6053 6053

(Source: TEPC)


August 2020