Press Release on telephone conversation between the Foreign Minister of Nepal and the Minister of External Affairs of India

Press Release Minister for Foreign Affairs, Honorable Dr. Narayan Khadka and Minister of External Affairs of India, His Excellency Dr. S. Jaishankar held a telephone conversation this afternoon. The two foreign ministers exchanged best wishes on the occasion of New Year 2022 and expressed the hope for a better and a prosperous year ahead. During the conversation, the two ministers [ Read More … ]

Press Release on the BIMSTEC Secretary-General’s Visit

Press Release Secretary-General of Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) H.E. Mr. Tenzin Lekphell called on Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Dr. Narayan Khadka at the latter’s office this afternoon. Stating that the Fourth BIMSTEC Summit held in Kathmandu was an important milestone in streamlining the areas of cooperation and institutional strengthening of the organization, [ Read More … ]

Statement for UNICEF 75th Anniversary Event

Keynote Statement by Foreign Secretary Mr. Bharat Raj Paudyal on ‘Reigniting Opportunities for Children in South Asia’ at the Event Organized to Mark the 75th Anniversary of UNICEF Kathmandu, 9 December 2021 His Excellency Secretary-General of SAARC UNICEF Regional Director for South Asia Mr. George Laryea-Adjel Country Representative of UNICEF in Nepal Ms. Elke Wisch Youth Representatives from South Asian [ Read More … ]

Press Release on participation of the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister in the Summit for Democracy

Press Release The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Mr. Sher Bahadur Deuba participated in the Leader’s Summit for Democracy hosted virtually by His Excellency Mr. Joe Biden, the President of the United States, today. Speaking in the Summit, Prime Minister Deuba shared Nepal’s experiences in the journey of democracy and democratic transformation. Highlighting the achievements made on the front of Nepal’s [ Read More … ]

Statement by Hon. Foreign Minister at 14th Bali Democracy Forum

14th Bali Democracy Forum Democracy for Humanity: Advancing Economic and Social Justice During the Pandemic   Statement by Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal Dr. Narayan Khadka 9 December 2021     Honorable Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Retno L.P. Marsudi, Honorable Foreign Ministers, Excellencies, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen:   Let me begin by [ Read More … ]

Press Release on The 14th Bali Democracy Forum

Press Release Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Narayan Khadka addressed the 14th Bali Democracy Forum by video link today. Speaking at the Forum which this year was themed as “Democracy for Humanity: Advancing Economic and Social Justice During the Pandemic”, Hon. Dr. Khadka called for enhanced international co-operation in effectively tackling the global challenges of growing socio-economic inequality, climate [ Read More … ]

Press Release

 Press Release Prime Minister Right Hon. Mr. Sher Bahadur Deuba stressed the need to drive the SAARC process with a forward-looking perspective and revitalize it including through an early convening of the Nineteenth Summit. Extending greetings and best wishes to peoples and governments of the Member States on the occasion of the 37th SAARC Charter Day, the Prime Minister stated [ Read More … ]

Nepal’s statement at the Fifth Indian Ocean Conference, Abu Dhabi, 4-5 December 2021

Statement by Mr. Bharat Raj Paudyal, Foreign Secretary and the Head of Nepali Delegation to the Fifth Indian Ocean Conference – IOC 2021 Abu Dhabi, UAE, 5 December 2021   Theme: Indian Ocean: “Ecology, Economy, Epidemic”     Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my honor and privilege to address this Fifth Indian Ocean Conference being held in [ Read More … ]